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CLF-C01 Exam: Pass & Shine as an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

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Who Should Take the CLF-C01 Exam?

The CLF-C01, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, the examination is suitable for candidates who have the necessary skills and knowledge to efficiently demonstrate an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, which is not dependent on technical roles addressed by other AWS Certifications.

Becoming an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, CLF-C01 is a need, as the certification acts as an optional step toward achieving an Associate-level or Specialty level certification.

The CLF-C01 exam can be opted from a testing center or the comfort and convenience of an office or home location as an online proctored exam.

The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is a foundation-level certification. The CLF-C01 certification talks about AWS Cloud technologies, concepts, and security.

Is There Any Eligibility Criteria to Become CLF-C01, AWS Cloud Practitioner?

A candidate should possess the following eligibility criteria for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification exam.

  • He should have a minimum of 6 months of experience working in AWS cloud roles, e.g., sales, technical, financial, purchase, or managerial.
  • A person is also eligible for the CLF-C01 certification if he has a basic knowledge of IT solutions and services and can apply them in the AWS platform.

Exam Objectives:

To become a cloud practitioner, one should be familiar with the concepts mentioned below:

  • A candidate learns to identify the job roles and realms of responsibility in a cloud environment.
  • He comes to know existing on-premises job roles compare to cloud roles.
  • The basics of IaC and its benefits.
  • The effects of IaC on the division of job responsibilities.
  • A candidate should know the basic security aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security model.
  • The candidate must be able to explain AWS Cloud and its global infrastructure.
  • He should be capable of defining principles of AWS cloud architecture.
  • He must know about of AWS cloud value proposition.
  • The candidate should know about AWS services.
  • He should understand the essential compliance aspects of the AWS platform.
  • He should be able to Identify and document sources and technical aids.
  • The CLF-C01 must have the ability to define pricing models, managing accounts, and billing.
  • The candidate should have a good grasp of the basic characteristics of the operation and deployment of AWS cloud services.

How to Pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam?

Get Familiar with the CLF-C01 Syllabus:

A candidate first discovers about the CLF-C01 syllabus. He should plan a study schedule depending on the syllabus topics and devote at least two hours daily. Read from the CLF-C01 study guide, which is available online.

Rely on the CLF-C01 Training:

AWS offers classroom training as well as self-paced training. A candidate can choose either of them to prepare for the exam.

Depend on Practice Test:

You might be prepared confidently, but taking CLF-C01 practice tests could be a great deal. Practicing AWS cloud practioner syllabus topics on online practice tests would enhance the confidence of a candidate.

CLF-C01 practice tests are designed in such a manner that the candidates become familiar with the actual exam.

What Are the Benefits of AWS CLF-C01, Cloud Practitioner Certification?

Cloud is Making the Future:

Cloud computing is a big topic in the market, and it is in every office these days. The cloud could perform almost everything in the technological world. Every operation in the technological world is highly dependent on the cloud. AWS offers many things from hosting a small website to running a full-fledged data center, as they are a big name in the cloud world. One of the valid reasons for having a cloud certification like AWS cloud practitioner is the cloud’s evolution for some time. Organizations are investing more in the AWS cloud as it is becoming secure, cheap, and easy to access the cloud. As most organizations are becoming cloud-based, if you are a newbie, an AWS Cloud Practitioner, CLF-C01 certification could be of great help.

AWS CLF-C01 Certified Professionals Are Needed Highly:

With the growth in cloud computing, there will be more for AWS skilled experts. AWS revenue is continuously rising over the years. AWS has data centers across 11 different countries. Moreover, companies that are offering AWS solutions are in thousands. With such tremendous growth, there will be a shortage of skilled cloud practitioners, engineers, and developers to handle the massive workload. AWS certification will be proof of your expertise to accept complex AWS related challenges.

Enhance the Value of Your Resume:

An AWS certification mentioned in your resume will be your first positive impact on your employer to whom you are applying for a job. However, it does not assure the job but will surely help your resume in crossing many barriers. Since most of the companies provide AWS solutions, need to certify AWS practitioner, AWS developer, architect, and system admin for various posts, having the AWS CLF-C01 certification is vital for positions related to AWS.

Increase Your Salary Level with CLF-C01 Certification:

AWS certifications are widely considered as the top certification in terms of pay by Global knowledge and KnowledgeNet. If you want to get a certification that could boost your career, AWS cloud practitioner CLF-C01 will be one of your things to do. This entry-level certification will open the path for other professional certifications. A candidate can undoubtedly boost his pay with AWS certification, which is not possible without having it. Apart from that, having AWS certification can give a candidate an edge over your colleagues who don’t have that.

Read Also: CLF-C01: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner


On a concluding note, AWS remains to be the future of cloud technology. AWS certifications are notable names in the cloud service offering domain with Google Cloud and Azure. So, preparing for the CLF-C01 exam and following upcoming trends in the cloud computing job market seems like a reasonable benefit for a candidate.

Having an AWS certification like the CLF-C01 also ensures the involvement of professionals in a wider AWS community. AWS certification establishes the credential of the AWS professional and gives chances to expand your network. Other than these advantages, AWS CLF-C01 certification is the basic and ensures continuous learning and professional development with the requirements for recertification.

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